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Reference: MXJ 5.8 Star RH-BKRD
MXJ 5.8 Star
The perfect "Norway size" Avet MX* is now offered as a star drag as an alternative. Lefthand modells are not yet available. The Magic Cast Module greatly reduces the risk of spool over-run when casting, but is nearly ineffective for vertikal fishing applications since the speed of revolution is to low for an effective damping of the spool's speed.
Reference: MXL 5.8 Star RH-BKRD
MXL 5.8 Star
Das kleinste Modell im Avet Sortiment - aber beileibe kein Schwächling! Linkshand Modelle sind nur in Silbern verfügbar. Das Magic Cast Modul reduziert die Gefahr des Überdrehens der Spule beim Werfen, ist aber für die typische Vertikalangelei praktisch unnötig, da die Drehzahlen beim Ablassen zu gering für eine merkbare Spulenhemmung sind.
Reference: SXJ 5.3 G2 LH-SI
SXJ 5.3 G2
Avet's smallest reel in the portfolio - but by no means a weakling! Lefthand reels are available in silver only- The Magic Cast Module greatly reduces the risk of spool over-run when casting, but is nearly ineffective for vertikal fishing applications since the speed of revolution is to low for an effective damping of the spool's speed.
Reference: SXJ 6/4 MC LH-BK
SXJ 6/4 MC Classic LH
An English description will follow soon